Sunday Schedule
Our Service
Our service includes the historic liturgy as outlined in our hymnal, Lutheran Service Book. We sing hymns, listen to the reading of the Bible, hear a sermon, and partake in Holy Communion. If you are a member in good standing of a Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod congregation and want to commune with us, please speak with an Elder or the Pastor before the worship service. If you are a member of another denomination, we are happy to have you with us and pray that you receive the Word of God with joy. If you wish to know more about our practices, please contact Pastor Scudder. Adult Bible Study
Each week we meet for an hour in the fellowship hall to study the Bible and what God has to say to us as His people. Most of the time we cover a book of the Bible, but occasionally we address a topic of the Christian life (for example, stewardship, world religions, witnessing, etc.). Youth and Children
We have Sunday school classes for preschoolers through high school. We begin with an opening in the sanctuary for preschool through fifth grade. Summer Sunday School meets in combined classes. |